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Job Seeking Skills

This past week, I had the opportunity to go and represent Liberty High School at the HOSA state convention in Galveston, Texas. Surrounded by the best of friends, the trip was nothing less than surreal as we had so much fun exploring the city, spending time at the beach, and bringing back medals. It was definitely the experience of a lifetime, and I am thankful for being able to share it with those close to me.

The event I competed in at HOSA was Job Seeking Skills, which is essentially a job interview for which participants prepare a resume and cover letter beforehand. I competed in this event at HOSA area as well at RL Turner HS, and barely qualified for state by getting third place, only to get first place overall at state itself. I still can't believe that I did so well (especially since I was mostly preoccupied with Kobe's last game the night before) and can without a doubt say that it was thanks to ISM that I was able to get first place.

ISM has helped me hone my interviewing skills, but at the same time has simply helped me become more confident when talking to others. There is no way I would've gotten to where I am today without the help of ISM, my mentor, my peers, and my teacher, and with Final Presentation Night fast approaching, it's nice to have this little break from all the stress. Hopefully I can continue to keep a cap on an already growing ego, and finish off this amazing journey with the humblest intentions and the goal of leaving a legacy.

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