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This past week in ISM, we took the time to sit down and talk to each other about our original works. The creative process is something that is unique to every individual, and differs depending on personality. While talking about our diverse ideas and methods, we learned more about each other than each others' fields. As always, being given a small spotlight in class was fun, and I was able to rant about my original work (hopefully without boring a couple people to death). I've really learned to appreciate the value of being able to express my opinions and ideas without shame or fear.

As for the year as a whole, senioritis is really starting to kick in (as you can probably tell from the gaps between my weekly blogs) but I'm trying my best to keep my grades up in my classes and not skip too much. A big motivator for me has been the realization that in just a few short months I'll be going to college, and if I don't shake off this mentality of slacking off I will not be able to start off my studies in the way I want to.

In the upcoming weeks, I hope to get a good start on my original work and continue to make memories with the great group of friends I have. There are only a few months left, and I keep asking myself the same question that I mentioned in an earlier post: what legacy will I leave? I want to be remembered (just like Michael Jordan), and these next few months will make sure I get what I want.

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