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Better In Person

This past week, I was able to venture out into the professional world, and I can say that seeing things first hand is completely different from researching about them online. I was able to shadow my mentor as she went through her daily routine of rehabilitating patients and leading her office, but although it was mundane to her, I though it was an invaluable experience.

The best part of shadowing her was seeing the real life application of ideas and techniques that I had already researched. I had always thought the RICE method was used more for self-treatment, but my mentor (Mrs. Murray) utilized every single aspect of the method in her therapy of a patient, and she fully explained to me rhe purpose of certain parts of the method that I was confused about, compression and elevation. For more information, check out the Research Assessment I did on the RICE method on my blog.

Another great part of this week was the "teambuilding" that my class and I did, which was basically an excuse to play cards together and chill out. I know that I sound really sappy nearly every weekly blog when talking about my friends and peers, but every week they give me a reason to be thankful for them. Lastly, throughout this week, I made it a point to check up on my friends' blogs, and it was great to get a little bit of insight into their fields. This upcoming week, I need to get down to business and get my OG survey out to more people. I just shamelessly e-mailed about every LHS coach I could, and I pray that at least one of them sends it out to their athletes. Also, I've decided to add a signature to the end of each weekly blog so it makes me feel that I have a bigger audience than I actually have.



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