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Surgical Shenanigans

(Pictured here in black is the anesthesiologist. Before I took the picture, he stopped me, making sure to pose. We called this "The Thinker".) This past week, I was able to observe surgeries and rehabilitation at my mentor's office. I know I mentioned this last week, but seeing something in person and watching all of the care and effort it takes to actually perform certain surgeries or exercises is really something else. ISM is about getting out into the real world and seeing amazing things in your field first hand, and hopefully those juniors and sophomores getting ready to turn in their schedules for next year understand what I'm hinting at. If not, TAKE ISM! I had the opportunity to witness two surgeries, and both were knee arthroscopies, or knee scopes. For those of you who get a bit queasy when it comes to going under the knife, this surgery is very clean without anything that upsets the stomach. In essence, the surgeon inserts a tiny camera into the knee and manuevers it around in order to diagnose different joint and ligament problems. I observed a microfracture, which forms fibrocartilige; I will be going into these more in my next EOL, so check it out! The most amazing thing about surgery was the atmosphere. Not the medical envrironment itself, per se, but rather how the staff interacted with each other. It was all jokes and fun, but when it came down to business they efficiently got it done. The next time I go see surgery, I hope that playing Coldplay in the backgroud continues to be a theme.

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