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As the past couple days have passed, I've begun to realize more and more that a lot of my time is spent dreading deadlines and counting down to different events and milestones. While some of these countdowns are harmless, such as the countdown to graduation, others may represent my current mentality, such as the countdown to when grades freeze. In ISM, with so many small deadlines to meet, it can be tough at times to keep up, but with the helpful reminders of my classmates and the small ounces of effort I have left, I can bring myself to get everything done on time.

With Final Presentation Night approaching quickly, I really need to get the ball rolling on my final product. As of right now, I am preoccupied with school and making everything up in classes that I miss often, but hopefully I will have some time to put forth all my efforts towards FPN.

In the upcoming week, I plan to not miss as many classes and stay on top of my stuff, and hopefully be more active on my blog. As always, I am open to suggestions and comments! This blog can be a way for me to communicate my thoughts and ideas, but at the same time improve.

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