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Leaving a Legacy

For the past couple of days, one question has been consistently running through my mind: what legacy will I leave? This applies to my school, my peers, and my community, and through my final product, I will finally be able to answer this question.

Brainstorming about my product at the beginning of the week with the whole class was an informative and interesting experience, as I was able to see the wide variety amidst ourselves while at the same time get more input about my own ideas. Coach told us something while we were brainstorming that really stuck with me. Although it is important for your friends and family to understand your product, what really matters is how impactful it is in your own specific niche. When I go apply for my first job in the field, will I be able to show what I created for my final product and gain credibility? Will I be able to use this as a method of getting connections? Based on these questions, I am primarily focused on creating something that will revolutionize my field, even though its effects may not be as widespread or as far-reaching as I would like.

Also, I just want to take a second here to reiterate how happy I am to have made so many amazing friends through ISM. It's as if there's this mutual bond that we have, and I love being surrounded by motivated individuals who are passionate about their fields because it has made me more motivated and more passionate. We really are like a family, and I am more than happy with how we balance work and fun in class. This journey has been amazing, but I have more than a couple steps left to go.

In this upcoming week, I hope to further solidify my goals with my mentor, get as many responses as I can on my original work survey, and continue to research about my field.

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