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Halfway There

This is me at the audition for the Christmas special of Grey's Anatomy. Unfortunately I didn't make the cut. I can't even come close to comprehending how this year is already halfway over. Pardon the nostalgia, but it feels like just yesterday I was writing my first blog post about my first speech in ISM. Time flies, whether or not your having fun, researching about proprioception, or in this case, doing both.

In all this time, I have become more and more eager to accomplish my goals as I get closer to the finish line. Outlining my goals once again and arranging them in a timely order was extremely helpful for letting me know exactly what to focus on. As I mentioned last week, I am currently dedicated to ensuring that my original work is successful. With the help of my friends and coaches, I know that I will be able to reach the specific audience I am targeting: Liberty High School athletes. I will be asking them questions about ankle sprains as part of a survey. This in turn will hopefully be able to prove one or two of a few things: a) athletes who self-treat their sprains or don't treat them at all are more likely to have another sprain in the future, b) ankle sprains get more severe over time, and c) recurring ankle sprains can lead to persistent pain and balance issues.

My mentor will be instrumental in ensuring that I can properly get this information out to to both athletes and coaches in a way that increases awareness but at the same time sparks the desire to change. Speaking of my mentor, going on my first mentor visit was another great way to specify the steps needed to achieve my goals. I look forward to revolutionizing my field, in any possible way I can.


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