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Countdown to Showcase

Getting back to school after a break isn't always the best feeling, but I definitely am looking forward to what these next three weeks have to offer me in ISM before winter break. The past two weeks flew by, and now that I have clarified my goals prior to research showcase I am more than ready to get started on finalizing both my board and my mentor.

I have one more interview left before I complete the required five, and I am quite honestly just trying to get it over with as soon as possible because I know who I want my mentor to be, and don't want to miss the opportunity to ask her. For this week, my primary goal will be to efficiently use my time in class to finish my research and interview assessments and schedule the interview. I definitely want to be at my best when research showcase rolls around.

Secondly, I will try to finish my preliminary board on time. I have all the materials that I need, but I really have no idea about aesthetics and design or anything else when it comes to visual appeal for the board, so I'm once again looking forward to my classmates' feedback. I decided to go red, white, and blue ('Murica) but I know my peers will be quick to butcher what I have in mind, which I'm completely fine with.

In all, I want to make sure that research showcase is a 100 percent success for me, so it's time for me to get down to business and get to work.

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