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Interview #4


Dr. Cindy Murray, Physical Therapist

Business Name:


Date and Time:

November 3rd, 2015 at 11:00 AM


Dr. Cindy Murray has been the Director of Rehabilitation at Orthotexas since 1998. Since then, she has expanded her work to Frisco, and has played an instrumental role in the administration of physical therapy for thousands of patients. She made her way up the medical ladder, starting out fresh from school and slowly gaining experience and credibility as she progressed through her career. Her dedication and diligence in her field is admirable, and she has worked extremely hard to get the position that she is in today as well as recognition from her esteemed peers.

My previous interview was with Dr. Glogau at the Plano office, and the athletic atmosphere was complemented by sports memorabilia and pictures of famous athletes. However, the Frisco office is part of Baylor hospital, an environment I have become quite accustomed to after my numerous hours working their as a CNA. The familiarity of the office coupled with the firm handshake and warm smile of Dr. Murray erased all of my anxiety. Right off the bat, I could see that she was extremely passionate about her work. Unlike some of the other professionals I had the opportunity to interview, Dr. Murray started out in Sports Medicine and Orthopedics while in college, and stuck with this field as she progressed through medical school and the first years of her career. Her dedication and persistence really sparked my interest, and she had an inspiring story; she made her way from being a simple therapist to the director of a thriving, well-known orthopedic company.

Simply put, Dr. Murray was kind. She had a patient-first mentality, and stressed the importance of building trust in patients and utilizing this trust to provide better treatment. Furthermore, she mentioned that throughout her time in her field, she met a variety of diverse people, and stressed that it is essential to adapt to and relate to different people. At the beginning of this year, I wanted to become more of a people person, and learn how to appeal to people while at the same time achieving my goals in Sports Medicine. Dr. Murray could definitely aid me and overall make me a better person, and right now she is my ideal mentor.

Finally, Dr. Murray has invaluable experience in treating the injury I am focusing my original work on: ankle sprains. I pitched my preliminary ideas of an ankle sprain survey for high school athletes to Dr. Murray, and she reinforced my beliefs and gave me amazing feedback and ideas for what questions to ask and how I could use the information and data gained from my survey to create an ankle sprain awareness program. In all, I would love having Dr. Murray as my mentor because she could better help me prepare my original work, would make me a better professional, and as a whole would make me better able to address and appeal to people’s demands. However, I still have one interview left to go, and I will be turning my focus from interviewing orthopedic surgeons to interviewing physical therapists, because they can better help me with my ideas for my original work and have more experience with specifically ankle sprains.

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