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Runner's Knee


"Runner's Knee." Runner's World. Web. 31 Oct. 2015.


October 30th, 2015


Amidst a variety of get-fit-quick programs and six second abs promotions, often times the best way to stay in shape is to run. Whether it be part of a sport, part of your daily routine, or simply how you relieve stress, running is something that a majority of us do. Unbeknownst to many, there is a widespread condition that is common among many runners called runner’s knee. Although there is no definite, single cause of the issue, taking the necessary steps can help people avoid getting injured.

According to the article, the official term for runner’s knee is patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), and the nickname derives from obvious reasons- it is most common in runners. The first steps to better being able to prevent this syndrome is identifying the most common causes. These include irregularities in running pattern, too much stress from on the patella, and misaligned bones. Although our natural bone composition is unfortunately not something that we can easily alter, making sure that we maintain an upright, constant form when running is essential. Furthermore, the article also states that runners should be especially careful when running on uneven surfaces. In essence, runners should avoid straying too much from a balanced form.

As for the symptoms of PFPS, there are certain indicators that can help a runner self-diagnose the syndrome. In the article, the author makes a point to emphasize that runner’s knee affects younger runners more often, and twice as many women as it does men. This disparity is due to the fact that women usually have wider hips, thus causing the thighbone to exert more pressure on the kneecap. Another common symptom of runner’s knee is feeling the knee giving out when running. As with any other injury, athletes are at times hesitant to approach a doctor or their orthopedic surgeon. An aspect of the Sports Medicine field that I can further expand on is easing the communication route between doctor and athlete, and encouraging athletes to approach their physicians while at the same time making physicians more approachable.

As when it comes to any sport or physical activity, athletes should always wear proper equipment as the best way to prevent injury. The article stresses the importance of wearing the proper shoes and immediately stopping at the slightest sign of injury. It also puts major emphasis on stretching before physical exertion. Throughout my experience I have learned that athletes so passionate about their sports often neglect their injuries and continue playing through the pain. This neglect of even worse consequences in the future is another aspect of Sports Medicine I can address in my original work and even potentially my final product.

In all, runner’s knee gives a few examples of some of the major issues plaguing the field of Sports Medicine and orthopedics. The doctor-patient relationship is the most vital part to ensuring successful and efficient care. There are many obstacles that are in the way of establishing this relationship such as how temporary it can be at times, but this issue is definitely more prevalent than it should be. Personally, going to different sports medicine organizations will better my understanding of the current state of this relationship.

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