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What Really Matters

As the ISM program progresses, I find myself looking forward going to the class every day regardless of the workload. I've established great relationships with my classmates and peers, and nobody knows what kind of tomfoolery will be happening whenever we go to class. That doesn't mean, however, that we haven't been putting in work. Everyone has been grinding to create their preliminary portfolios and get their interviews done, and although I was at first threatened by this unfamiliar breed of super-student, at this point they motivate me and help me to get things done faster.

This week was very successful for me, as I completed my second interview. Fortunately, this interview went much better than the last, which I am now just chalking up to a hallucination caused by the stress of the program. For more common side effects of ISM, consult with your doctor or local pharmacist. In all seriousness, the mistakes I made during my first interview helped me do much better the second time around. I was more prepared with my questions, more conversational, and as a whole more confident in myself.

The professional I interviewed was extremely polite and informative, and gave me invaluable advice for the future. He emphasized the importance of keeping an open mind; he started off in pediatrics, only to realize that orthopedics was the right path for him. Furthermore, he told me to enjoy the process of learning, and not to remain solely focused on the goal. A peer of mine once shared with me the following quote, and I think it's highly relevant to this situation; "it is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.”

In the following week, I wish to have at least one to two more interviews scheduled. Also, I can't believe how fast time flew by, but business symposium is in five days and I intend to utilize the experience to the best of my ability. I know last week I said this too, but it's gametime! Technically last week was preseason and this week is the season opener? Or should it be the playoffs? All I know is that the grind won't stop.

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