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It's Gametime!

Now that my interview process is in full swing, I find myself constantly making calls and sending e-mails to professionals. Although I started out stuttering, I can now complete full sentences on the phone without too much trouble, and am becoming used to leaving messages on voicemails rather than talking to secretaries. I've completed my first interview, and I am ready to see what this next week holds with regard to a potential mentor.

As for my first time interviewing a professional, unfortunately it was not the most pleasant experience. However, this is most definitely not because of the person I interviewed, who was engaging and passionate about his work, but rather because I was extremely nervous and uptight. I should have better memorized the questions that I was asking, and also should've attempted to make the exchange conversational instead of interrogational. I'm quite disappointed in myself because of making these mistakes while interviewing such a great surgeon, but I am going to approach this as a way to get better instead of sulking; I will make sure to be 110% prepared for my next interview.

In all honesty, this week was one of the hardest yet for me in ISM. I recognize that there are much bigger challenges ahead, but getting used to the hectic environment of peers making calls and trying to balance my workload in the program and in other classes was really stressful. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and that's why this next week I'm planning on sitting back and not doing anything! Just kidding. Working hard is a mindset, and it's something I will try never to stray from even if the obstacles I face only get harder to overcome. I came into ISM knowing it wouldn't be a walk in the park, and that's why I will continue to be diligent.

In conclusion, this next week will be centered around improving my interview skills. As for my goals, by the end of the week I would like to have one or two more research interviews scheduled and possibly completed. Even if things don't go as fast as I want, as long as I can efficiently reach my goals I'll be satisfied. It's gametime baby.

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